Baby Weight 3.5lbs at 30 Weeks How Much Will He Be

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iii.5 lbs at thirty calendar week browse

Hey ladies! So today I had my 30 calendar week scan! My baby girl is gorgeous and my husband and I tin can't wait to encounter her. The only thing that worries u.s.a. is her weight. My doctor told us she weighs 3.5 lbs! He too said to add together half a pound for every week I have until my due engagement. If I do that and then it puts another 5 lbs that she will be gaining. That'south a eight.5 lb baby! My married man was 5.13 and I was seven.3. How is this possible and is this besides large for 30 weeks? Thank you in advance ladies!


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Really sounds pretty typical - for me at least. At 28 weeks they said the baby weighed about 2 lbs 14 oz and with that estimate that puts my babe kind of inside range of yours- my girl was 8.11 at 40 weeks

Tertiary trimester ultrasounds are actually very inaccurate in determining weight! In that location are recent articles citing them every bit a crusade of unnecessary procedures. Also, eight.5 was my smallest lol (my boys were 8.v, eight.ix, 8.fourteen and now my first girl so we will run into where she weighs in :) I recollect up to xi pounds is inside "normal". Call back I read that in the same article...

I don't know that norm for xxx weeks, but viii.5 doesn't seem like a crazy size for a baby. That's simply a nice mesomorphic one. I also know that the weights via ultrasound are non always that authentic. I was 9 lbs at birth and then was my husband but my dr said that that's not e'er a significant indicator of baby'due south weight. Either manner, information technology all adds up to sound pretty normal to me!

I'thou a FTM and so no feel with this, but I don't think the measurements are always then verbal... A lot of woman have said their babies were measuring big past ultrasound, but weighed less than predicted when born. And so don't worry near a big babe just yet! I was viii.5lbs :)

Don't worry, I recall that is probably normal!

Mayhap a smudge bigger than average only at least a healthy weight!! Mine was iii lbs 3 oz at 28 weeks and then prob right around the size of yours.

And definitely what previous people said- measurements aren't exact!

My cousin delivered her babe daughter at almost ten pounds! nine and a some ounces...i dont think the exact numbers! But, she looks beautiful!!!

Idk if it's normal for 30 weeks or non, merely big babies run in our family! Lol. I was almost 10 lbs, my son was 9.five and at 21w our girl was measuring ii weeks ahead, weight wise. It's a little nerve racking. My neice and nephew were both over nine lbs. What's crazy is 2 of my cousins were both 13lbs... no thank you! Lol.

If information technology makes you feel better, my LO was measuring 4.5 at a little over thirty weeks (although I always thought they were a niggling off with my due engagement). My medico wasn't worried, said babies come in all sizes and the u.s. just gives an gauge.

At 27w my trivial guy measured at 3.25lbs. If I become by adding 1/2lb per week then I'd be looking at a ix.75lb baby. Weights aren't exact so don't get as well worried almost information technology. With my second I was told she would be approx 10lb at nascence from an ultrasound at effectually 34w. When she was born at 41w5d she was 7lb2oz.

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